Have you ever seen light dance? And most importantly, do you dance with it?
There are many ways in which I experience light in my life; most commonly people, and when I say people, I mean their souls. We are so beautifully complex, yet it’s actually really simple to see the light in most others. The innocence that gleams and radiates in moments of peace and stillness.
We are an interwoven system of light, blinded by our own potential as a species. And so many of us are awakening to this light with the realization that there is something much greater we are capable of experiencing in this once predictable lifetime. We evolve and grow individually, which ripples out into our collective story.
Perhaps something small has shifted, fallen into place or at least into understanding. Maybe you’ve begun to connect dots you can see for the first time in your life. Celebrate the small synchronicities that pique curiosity and ignite desire to explore with no expectation of finding one right answer. It rarely exists. What we are really choosing is a consequence of our action.
So light is a reminder that together, we are this beautiful, chaotic masterpiece composed of many little particles, operating at peak vibrance when we each dance through our journeys with grace and awe. Look around, round (round, round, round) …..The Beatles clearly know what’s up.