Curated Track: Warming Sun by The Dirty Heads (listen along for full immersion)
This week we welcome the Summer Solstice. For me, this period of time is energetically charged and rooted in rebirth, change and transformation...the shedding of old skin that carries with it the heavy burden of limited beliefs. Because how can you fly if you’ve got shit weighing you down? And my darling, I promise you were made to soar.
In yogi school, we just talked about Savasana, or Corpse Pose, which is the final relaxation in a sequence. It is the hardest pose to do because we are made to surrender, to go within ourselves and connect with our truest energetic nature. To sit in stillness with ourselves and our thoughts….let’s just say you can learn a lot when you take the time to do that.
“The best thing about time is that you can always start over.”
My teacher brought up a point that really stuck with me, and it’s this idea of going through, both, death and rebirth within a yoga flow. We invite the parts of us that no longer serve to die so that we may be reborn with the capacity to experience and exude more light. How powerful is that? We hold the ability to start again every time we step onto our mats, or realistically any time we take a deep breath. When we consider corpse pose from this perspective, we can start to see that there actually isn’t a negative connotation within the name of the pose.
This brings us to the idea of rebirth and awakening, which many of us may be feeling around this beautiful Summer Solstice. This is a very powerful time to free yourself of negativity and poisonous thought patterns. A wonderful space to explore your light. Some may have woken up feeling more spacious and at peace already, while some may be going through some extreme emotional patterns. No matter where you are in your journey, know that you are not alone. I especially feel that this solstice brings us love above all. I see this love manifesting in so many ways already: multiple friends are quitting unfulfilling jobs, some are about to enter relationships for the first time in a long time and some are deciding to explore self-love. It warms my heart, inspires me to see people letting go of how things are supposed to be. There is no instruction manual for how you are to live your life; your intuition is the most advanced internal GPS, and it’s been personally programmed for each individual to find their “treasure.”
So I encourage you to take five minutes out of your day in Savasana to explore what rebirth means to you. What are you ready to let go of? And of course, what would you like to attract into your life? Remember, anything is in the realm of possibility.
Sending love and light to you all!