The truth is we are so damn disconnected from our bodies, and we keep ignoring that for the pursuit of money, success, a sense of self-worth from our external world. Taking it too far will not get us there in one piece! No amount of money, fame and success will bring us happiness, yet somehow we’re all pushing like it’s the only thing that matters. That which makes us whole will not present itself through this external pushing and pulling. Self-worth is a journey that unfolds from within, when we actually take the time and space to cultivate it. Any happiness derived from our external circumstances is limited to situations that tend to be quite fleeting. So it’s time for us to commit to being in our bodies and healing from exactly where we are, not where we feel like we should be.
Read Moremindfulness
Creating a Meditation Practice
Welcome to this post on creating your very own meditation practice! The hardest part to any practice is arriving, so congratulations, you’re already crushing it ;) It is my hope that this will serve as a guide for you to connect with the structure you need to create and most importantly, sustain a meditation practice.
I’ve been a regular yoga and meditation practitioner for about eight years now and have been guiding meditation practice for four years. Given that health has never been more important, I’m excited to share the little tips and tricks that have helped me enjoy a consistent and sustainable practice.
Read More6 Ways to say I Love You to Planet Earth
In celebration of Earth day, I felt called to share a few ways in which we can all love our dear planet a little bit more. One of my favorite projects last year was the work I did as a Chief Sustainability Officer for CANOPY’s Climate-Positive initiative. By the end of 2019, the processes we set in place enabled us to offset 800 carbon tonnes, ensuring the company gave back more than it extracted.
In case you missed it, the current US government administration is loosening Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations on efforts that support climate change. Although unsustainable businesses are the largest culprits contributing to climate change, there are always things we can do on an individual level to help. I understand we are all in different financial climates, so I’ve included something for everyone!
Read MoreA Humbling Brush with Impermanence
Let’s dance through this life with grace and wild appreciation, for one day it will all cease to be as it is, we will cease to be as we are. But that is the beauty of the human experience, so that our soul can learn and grow.
Read MoreCup of Yogi School: Summer Solstice Rebirth
This week, we welcome the Summer Solstice. To many this is simply a day we get a lot of sunshine, which is beautiful and healing regardless of whether you choose to believe in anything further. For me, this period of time is energetically charged and rooted in rebirth, change and transformation...the shedding of old skin that carries with it the heavy burden of limited beliefs. Because how can you fly if you’ve got shit weighing you down? And my darling, I promise you were made to soar.
Read MoreCup of Yogi School: Show Me La La Love
Love doesn’t have to look a certain way. I’m going to repeat that: love doesn’t have to look a certain way. When we are born onto the canvas of the universe, we understand that we are all that canvas. We go through life acquiring different splotches of reality, of ourselves. And once we grow older, we forget that we are ultimately still the same blank canvas. The only difference being that we have all these emotions and experiences to color our understanding of the world in this moment. How we interact with love is dependent on the splotches of reality we choose to paint our life story with.
Read MoreCup of Yogi School: To Be or To Do?
As humans, it is in our nature to be on a perpetual scavenger hunt towards happiness through external achievement, whether personal or professional. Our Western world glorifies doing more, working harder, and smiling even when we want to curl up in a ball. There is this societal expectation to always be “on.”
Read MoreCup of Yogi School: Balancing the Stereotype
Behold the Yogi stereotype: A supreme being who sits in a cave on the side of a gorgeous mountain in deep meditation surviving on air. Although this is a beautiful way to live, it is not realistic for me, nor for most of our modern-day Western society. Real talk: I listen to loud rock and roll music, enjoy festival season and certainly have a sweet tooth. But here’s the thing, I practice mindfulness every day in one way or another.
Read MoreCup of Yogi School: Roots
Yoga is life. That may sound silly to some, but given that everyone has their own personal definition, I choose to believe that Yoga is a connection to the present; this moment is all we truly have. The future and past don’t exist, although they may form some of our habits and construct a framework for the decisions we have yet to make.
Read MoreInsanity
You are given a deck of cards
None of them are random,
But if you play with curiosity and surrender,
You wake up to the truth
that we’re all played by the same hand.
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